Our People

Mr. Wahyu Wibowo
Mr. Wahyu Wibowo is the Managing Director at itialuS Inovatif Solusi. He has more than 15 years of experience in delivering business consultation services to various industries, from startups, to SMEs, to multinational enterprises and corporations, in both the public and private sectors. Mr. Wahyu specializes in the following areas: - Business set up - Tax planning - Business restructuring - Due diligence - Mergers and acquisition - System development

Mr. Basori Ibn Kaslan
Mr. Basori Ibn Kaslan is in charge of Business Development at itialuS Inovatif Solusi. He is a practitioner in computer application programming with more than 17 years of experience with SMEs. He has successfully developed numerous industrial applications across industrial sectors, such as laboratory, manpower/outsourcing, education, and government. His apps portfolio includes HRD Payroll Software, Accounting, Android Point of Sale, Budget Monitoring and Evaluation, Laboratory DGA Analysis and several kinds of AI software. He is experienced in building custom application software projects from design to final implementation. Mr. Basori graduated as computer engineer from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) in Indonesia.

Mr. Catur Wibawa
Mr. Catur Wibawa is currently itialuS Inovatif’s Operational Director. He has more than 10 years of experience in delivering consultation services for Data Warehouse and Network solutions across industries ranging from telco, healthcare, government, transportation and logistics. Mr. Wibawa is also an experienced Senior Database Administrator with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Physical Sciences from Universitas Brawijaya.

Mr. Muhammad Nurmayyahdi Arif
Supporting Executive at itialuS Inovatif Solusi, Mr. Mohammad Nurmayyahdi Arif is well-versed in developing and implementing ERP software, especially HR modules given his many years of experience and skills in Testing and QA System in several companies. He masters several programming languages such as SQL, Java, Python, HTML, and Excel. He graduated from Bina Nusantara University in Jakarta with a degree in Information Systems.