Bookkeeping Services
General Ledger Updates
- Recording backlog financial transactions
- Recording day-to-day financial transactions
Accounts Payable - Money Out
- Recording and analyzing purchases and bills
- Tracking due payments
- Sending email notifications for post-dated cheques
- Escalating overdue payments
Accounts Receivable - Money In
- Creating sales invoices
- Tracking invoice collections and sending email notifications
- Escalating delayed invoice collections
Bank Reconciliation
- Comparing the recorded transactions with the corresponding transactions on the monthly bank statements
Financial & Management Reports
Management Reports
- Overall Revenue
- Historical Revenue
- Fund Availability
- Profitability
- Invoice & Collection Graph / Status Details
- Project Delay / Project Schedule Summary
Financial Reports
- Balance Sheet and Trial Balance
- Profit & Loss Statement Report
- Ledger Reconciliation
- Comparative Revenue
- Financial Ratios
- Transaction Statistics
- Pro-Forma
- Provision
Customer / Supplier Reports
- Statement of Account
- Aging of Accounts
- Collection
- Summary / Overview
Stock Reports
- Warehouse Stock
- Minimum Stock Level Products
- Pick List
- Movement
- Dead Stock / Inventory
- Active Purchase Order
itialuS Inovatif Solusi is an independent entity managed by
Mr. Wahyu Wibowo
and member firm of itialuS Global network.