South East Asia Partnership Webinar
The speakers were Mr. Muhammad Dwi Andika, managing director of itialuS Grapadi International, Mr. Kenneth Porlas, managing partner of itialuS PABCCO, Mr. Belizar Zečić, senior FDM of itialuS Global, Mr. Anak Agung Ngurah Wirabawa, FDM of itialuS Global.
It was the first South East Asia Partnership Webinar to share knowledge and other partner experience. Mr. Anak Agung Ngurah Wirabawa was the moderator of the webinar.
Mr. Kenneth Porlas started the webinar with the topic
of accounting today. Following the webinar, he added the Mission, vision, and the services like accounting, tax accounting, audit, and business registration services.
Then the next session was by Mr. Muhammad Dwi Andika, where he presented the company’s expertise, market research, and project study.
In conclusion, Mr. Belizar Zečić encourages the partners with the big picture and possibilities of itialuS Global network in their region.