itialuS Grapadi International Webinar
On Thursday, September 29, 2022, itialuS Global, in synergy with itialuS Grapadi International with BPC HIPMI Pandeglang and Masters in Management University of North Sumatra, held a webinar with the title “Exporting to Drive Business Growth and Utilizing Digital Tools to Enhance Operational Capability”.
The purpose of this webinar is to introduce export potential to Indonesian entrepreneurs, and educate the right strategy in planning exports, as well as introduce digitalization, and its benefits to SMEs.
This webinar also aims to introduce and increase the awareness of entrepreneurs towards itialuS Global and itialuS Grapadi International.
Present as speakers are:
Mr. Muhammad Dwi Andika, M.Ec.Dev, as Head of Division 7 (Investment, Infocom & International Relationship) BPC HIPMI Pandeglang, and also Director of itialuS Grapadi International,
Mr. Muhammad Rodi Munawar, Chairman of the OKK HIPMI Pandeglang,
Mrs. Dr. Meilita Sembiring ST, MT, IPM, Secretary of the USU Graduate School of Masters Management,
Mr. Belizar Zečić, Senior FDM itialuS Global, and
Mr. Anak Agung Ngurah Wirabawa, FDM itialuS Global, where in this event, was present as a moderator.
More than 100 people have registered for the webinar which runs for almost 2 hours, the participants are very enthusiastic about participating in the event, it can be seen from the number of participants that almost does not change from time to time.
The content presented is believed to have its own charm, because the information is very useful for the participants. The event started at 2 pm Jakarta time, Mr. Muhammad Rodi Munawar gave a speech to start the event, then Mr. Belizar Zečić, started the webinar by giving a presentation on "Exporting to Drive Business Growth", followed by a presentation from Mrs. Dr. Meilita Sembiring ST, MT, IPM, "Enhance Business Capability Through Digitalization In the Era of Industry 4.0", then Mr. Muhammad Dwi Andika, M.Ec.Dev, gave a presentation on "Feasibility Studies, Digital Tools and Stages of Starting a Business", after presentations, the event continued with a demo of WallPost ERP and Tamias POS, and ended with a Q&A session.
After the speakers responded to all participants' questions, the event closed at 4 pm Jakarta time.